[DE-UBL] Vollers 883 - 13
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- Classmark
- Vollers 883 - 13
- Title
- al-Muʿallaqah
- Author
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Vollers, pp. 314-315, XIII
- Link to collective manuscript
- ↳ in Ms.
- not given in the MS
- غير مذكور
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- al-Muʿallaqah
- المعلقة
- Link to work
- is part of al-Muʿallaqāt (Imruʾ al-Qays)
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- ff. 108a-109a, 112b:
various notes
- ff. 108a-109a, 112b:
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Further copies
- Berlin (Ahlwardt) nos. 7435-7445, 8422/5
Gotha (Pertsch I) no. 2191
Istanbul, Köprülü Library (Şeşen) I/no. 1627/8
Leiden (Voorhoeve) 218
London, India Office (Loth) no. 798, 799/1
Paris (de Slane) nos. 3275-3280
Paris (Vajda) 484
Princeton, Garrett Collection (Mach) no. 4236
Wien (Flügel) no. 444
- Berlin (Ahlwardt) nos. 7435-7445, 8422/5
- Translations
- Englisch:
The Moallakát Or Seven Arabian Poems, Which Were Suspended On The Temple At Mecca With A Translation And Arguments by William Jones, Esq. London 1783
The seven poems suspended in the Temple at Mecca. Translated from the Arabic by F. E. Johnson. Bombay 1893
La Moʿallaka d'Imrou'lKaïs suvie de la douzième séance de Harîrî, dite de Damas, et de la Kasîda ezZaïnabiyya, poëme attribué à ʿAli. Textes publiés avec les voyelles, un commentaire arabe et une traduction littérale en français par A. Raux. Paris 1907
Les dix grandes odes arabes de l'anté-Islam. Une nouvelle. Trad. par Jacques Berque. Paris 1995
Les poèmes suspendus. Peintures & calligraphies. Extraits des Mu'allaqat par Abdallah Akar. Traduction de Pierre Larcher. Paris 2007
Les suspendues. Trad., présentation, notes, chronologie et bibliographie par Heidi Toelle. Paris 2009
Muallakat. Die sieben preisgedichte der Araber ins deutsche übertragen von Philipp Wolff. Rotweil 1857
Die hellstrahlenden Plejaden am arabischen poetischen Himmel oder die sieben am Tempel zu Mekka aufgehangenen arabischen Gedichte übersetzt, erläutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Anton Theodor Hartmann. Münster 1802
Die Muʿallaqa des Imrulqais. Übers. u. erkl. von Salomon Gandz. Wien 1913
Amrulkeisi Moallakah cum scholiis Zuzenii e codicibus Parisiensibus. Ed. latine vertit et illustravit Ern. Guil. Hengstenberg. Bonnae 1823
Teheran 1345sh/1966
Las diez mu'allaqāt. Poesía y panorama de Arabia en vísperas del Islam. Traducción literal y completa de los diez poemas originales, anotada y comentada en los aspectos literatio e histórico por Federico Corriente Córdob. Madrid 1974
Istanbul 1305/1887-1888
- Englisch:
- Editions/Literature
- Caab. Ben. Zoheir. Carmen Panegyricum in laudem Muhammedis item Amralkeisi Moallakah
cum scholiis, et versione Levini Warneri. Accedunt sententiae arabicae Imperatoris
Ali. Et nonnulla ex Hamasa, [et] Diwan Hudeilitarum. Omnia e MSS. Biblioth. Bat. Edidit,
vertit, notisque illustravit Gerardus Joannes Lette. Praemissa est Laudatio Celeberrimi.
Viri. Alberti. Schultens. Lugduni Batavorum 1748
Amrulkeisi Moallakah cum scholiis Zuzenii e codicibus Parisiensibus. Ed. latine vertit et illustravit Ern. Guil. Hengstenberg. Bonnae 1823
Septem Moʻallaḳât carmina antiquissima Arabum. Textum adfidem optimorum cadd. et editt. recensuit scholia editionis calcuttensis auctiora atque emendatiora addidit, annotationes criticas adiecit D. Fr. Aug. Arnold. Lipsiae 1850
The Divans of the six ancient poets Ennābiga, ʿAntara, Tharafa, Zuhair, ʿAlqama and Imruulqais chiefly according to the MSS. of Paris, Gotha, and Leyden and a collection of their fragments with a list of the various readings of the text. Ed. by W. Ahlwardt. London 1870
La Moʿallaka d'Imrou'lKaïs suvie de la douzième séance de Harîrî, dite de Damas, et de la Kasîda ezZaïnabiyya, poëme attribué à ʿAli. Textes publiés avec les voyelles, un commentaire arabe et une traduction littérale en français par A. Raux. Paris 1907
Aleppo 1403-1404/1983
Beirut 1383-1384/1964
Cairo 1331/1912-1913, 1338/1919-1920
Calcutta 1233/1817-1818, 1264/1847-1848
Doha 1424-1425/2004
Egypt 1319/1901-1902, 1329-1330/1911
Paris 1829
- Caab. Ben. Zoheir. Carmen Panegyricum in laudem Muhammedis item Amralkeisi Moallakah
cum scholiis, et versione Levini Warneri. Accedunt sententiae arabicae Imperatoris
Ali. Et nonnulla ex Hamasa, [et] Diwan Hudeilitarum. Omnia e MSS. Biblioth. Bat. Edidit,
vertit, notisque illustravit Gerardus Joannes Lette. Praemissa est Laudatio Celeberrimi.
Viri. Alberti. Schultens. Lugduni Batavorum 1748
- Record type
- Collective manuscript
- 13/19
- Binding
- Oriental leather binding with fore-edge flap and envelope flap; spine has been renewed in light brown leather; central ornament of the covers and the envelope flap: mandorla with lobed perimeter and an fill of floral scrolls; bevelled corners; frame consists of a line pattern; doublures of the covers and the envelope flap made of paper, doublure of the fore-edge flap made of leather
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Colour
- ↳ Watermarks
- anchor in a circle with a star above
P with a cross in a shield below?
tre lune
tre lune with countermarks: F PALAZZUOLI on the same page
crown with a star and half-moon above
countermarks: V-G with a rod in single outline and trefoil above
tre lune with TRE LVNE in letters below
bunch of grapes with an inscribed cartouche and a crown above
name arranged on two or three lines
bunch of grapes with a crown and a name above
tre lune
angel with a flag in a circle
countermarks: b-V with a rod in single outline and trefoil above
- anchor in a circle with a star above
- Number of folios
- ff. 108a-112b; f. 112a: blank
- Dimensions
- 20.8 x 15.5 cm
- Text area
- 16.3 x 9.2 cm
- Number of columns
- 2
- Catchwords
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- Collection
- Project
- Classmark
- Vollers 883 - 13
- ↳ alternate
- old classmark : D.C. 432 - 13
- URN : urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-0004-7140
- Editor
- Wiesmueller
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE15Book_manuscript_00015769
- MyCoRe ID
- DE15Book_manuscript_00015769 (XML view)
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- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
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