[DE-UBL] Vollers 661
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- Classmark
- Vollers 661
- Title
- Author
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Vollers, p. 208
- ↳ in Ms.
- f. 3a:
al-Juz' al-awwal min al-ta'rīkh al-musammá bi-Durrat al-aslāk fī dawlat al-atrāk
- f. 3a:
- ق 3أ:
الجزء الاول من التاريخ المسمى بدرة الاسلاك في دولة الاتراك
- ق 3أ:
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- Durrat al-aslāk fī dawlat al-atrāk
- درّة الاسلاك في دولة الاتراك
- ↳ Versions
- Durrat al-aslāk fī mulk al-atrāk
- درة الأسلاك في ملك الأتراك
- Durrat al-aslāk fī mulk al-atrāk
- Link to work
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- First part of a two volume history on the Egyptian Mamluk Sultans, written in rhymed
prose. The first part covers the history until 714/1314-1315.
According to the colophon, this copy is based on the author's autograph.
- First part of a two volume history on the Egyptian Mamluk Sultans, written in rhymed
prose. The first part covers the history until 714/1314-1315.
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Author
- ↳ Name
- ↳ Person remark
- ff. 3r, 198v
[بدر الدين أبو محمد] الحسن بن عمر ابن حبيب [الشافعي]
- ff. 3r, 198v
- Other copies of the works
- Further copies
- Berlin (Ahlwardt) nos. 9723-9724
Cairo (Fuʾād Sayyid) II/nos. 235, 659
Leiden (Voorhoeve) 72
New Haven, Yale University (Nemoy) no. A-1324
Paris (de Slane) nos. 1719-1721
Paris (Vajda) 313
- Berlin (Ahlwardt) nos. 9723-9724
- Editions/Literature
- Cairo 1435/2013-2014
- Record type
- Number of volumes
- 1
- Binding
- Red Oriental leather binding with fore-edge flap and envelope flap central ornament of the covers: mandorla with lobed perimeter, an infill of floral scrolls, Chinese cloudbands and two fleurons as pendants; corner-pieces with lobed perimeter, frame-border of a line-pattern; the outline of the ornaments is golden and has golden ornamental rays; the ornamentation of the envelope flap equals the one from the cover; doublures of the fore-edge flap and the envelope flap are of leather, doublure of the covers are of Şal-Ebrû-marbled paper; textblock has been bound incorrectly into the binding
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Colour
- ↳ Watermarks
- Crown with star and crsecent above
crown with star and crescent above, and B below
countermark: two, respectively three letters with rod in single outline and trefoil above: b-V, V-G-S, most frequently with the main motif on the same folio
- Crown with star and crsecent above
- Number of folios
- 201; ff. 1b, 2, 199-201a: blank
- Dimensions
- 20.2 x 14.7 cm
- Text area
- 16.1 x 10.5 cm
- Number of lines
- 25
- Catchwords
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- Illumination
- The illuminated title page is divided into three parts: in the upper and lower rectangle,
the title of the work has been written in red colour with green vowels and diacritics,
respectively in green colour with red vowels and diacritics; in the middle square,
the authorʾs name has been written with black ink in a six-pointed star, that, in
return, makes up the inside of a sexfoil; the sexfoil with its star in the middle
have the same multi-coloured frame as the text area.
ff. 3a-4a:
text area is framed with a green, red, and gold outline
ff. 4b-198b:
text area is framed with a red outline
- The illuminated title page is divided into three parts: in the upper and lower rectangle,
the title of the work has been written in red colour with green vowels and diacritics,
respectively in green colour with red vowels and diacritics; in the middle square,
the authorʾs name has been written with black ink in a six-pointed star, that, in
return, makes up the inside of a sexfoil; the sexfoil with its star in the middle
have the same multi-coloured frame as the text area.
- Date
- ↳ copy
- f. 198b: Sunday, 12 Ṣafar 1071/17 October 1660
- Provenienz
- 1853
- Damascus
- Buyer Purchaser: Sächsische Regierung
- Seller: ʿUmar Efendī al-Rifāʿī al-Ḥamawī
- none
- Link to manuscript notes
- Collection
- Project
- Classmark
- Vollers 661
- ↳ alternate
- old classmark : D.C. 363
- URN : urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-0004-6378
- Editor
- Wiesmueller
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE15Book_manuscript_00015610
- MyCoRe ID
- DE15Book_manuscript_00015610 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
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