Selīm Baba
- Lebensdaten
- † 1170/1756-57
- Beruf(e)
- Sufi
(Identnummer GND: 4221439-7) - Werke
- Verfasser:in Burhānü'l-ʿārifīn ve necātü’l-ġāfilīn (Selīm Baba)
- Handschriften
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 862: Burhānü’l-ʿārifīn ve neǧātü’l-ġāfilīn
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 4715: Burhānü’l-ʿārifīn
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 1888: Burhānü’l-ʿārifīn ve neǧātü’l-ġāfilīn
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 2720: Burhānü’l-ʿārifīn ve neǧātü’l-ġāfilīn
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Ms. or. quart. 1453 - 6: Burhānü’l-ʿārifīn
- Verfasser:in [DE-TUEB] Ma VII 194: Burhānü'l-ʿārifīn ve necātü’l-ġāfilīn
- Originalsprache
- سليم بابا
- Weitere Namensformen
- Selmi-i Dîvâne
- Selim Kırımî
- Kırımlı Selim Baba
- Selim Divane <Kırımlı>
- Şeyh Selim el-Kırımî
- Kırımlı Selim Baba
- Selim el-Kadirî el-Kırımî el-Alevî
- Divane, Selim
- Todesdatum
- 1170/1756-57
- Geschlecht
- Konfession
- Beruf(e)
- Sufi
- Beruf (ID)
- GND: 4221439-7
- bib. Referenz
- ʿOM 1/86
- Datenquelle
- lokaler Datensatz
- Identifizierer
- GND: 13880897X
- Bemerkung
- Selîm Dîvâne was a Turkish Sufi living in the 18th century from Crimea. He received his education in a madrasa in Istanbul during his youth and was later appointed as a qadi in Bosnia. During his tenure, he gravitated towards Sufism, ultimately leaving his judicial position. He settled in Kesriye, where he completed his Sufi training under a master from the Qadiriyya order. Subsequently, he was sent by his master first to Üsküp and then to Selânik's Köprülü to continue his guiding activities. According to sources, Dîvâne lived until the end of his life in Köprülü, where he passed away in 1757. In his poetry, he used the pen name Dîvâne and is known to have left two significant works: “Burhânül-Ârifîn ve Necâtül-Gâfilîn” and “Miftâhu Müşkilâtil-Ârifîn ve Âdâbu Tarîkil-Vâsilîn.” Both works are a mix of prose and poetry, articulating the principles of Sufi thought, particularly the concept of wahdat al-wujud (unity of existence). One of the key themes emphasized by the author in these works is the correction of misconceptions regarding Sufism and addressing erroneous ideas propagated by individuals posing as Sufis.
- Bearbeiter
- Wiesmüller / İbrahim Bılge
- Bearbeitungsstatus
- Ersteingabe komplett
- Statische URL
- MyCoRe ID
- MyMssPerson_agent_00014210 (XML-Ansicht, Zugehörige Handschriften)
- Lizenz Metadata
- CC0 1.0 Universell
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