[DE-WLB] Cod. or. 8° 23
- Classmark
- Cod. or. 8° 23
- Title
- [Text of the sixth surah]
- Collection
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- [Text of the sixth surah]
- [نص سورة الأنعام]
- Link to work
- is part of al-Qurʾān
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- Einige Suren aus dem Koran. Der Text fängt mit Sure 6 an.
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- 1
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Colour
- Number of folios
- 29
- Number of lines
- 9
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- Illumination
- f. 2b: ein ʿunwān;
Die Blätter haben verzierten Rand
- f. 2b: ein ʿunwān;
- Scribe
- ↳ Name
- ↳ Person remark
- Der Schreiber ist Enkel des bekannten Kalligraphen Šeyḫ Ḥamdullāh al-Āmāsī
- Provenienz
- Geschenk von Katharina Augustus
- Collection
- Classmark
- Cod. or. 8° 23
- ↳ alternate
- other identification : Cod. or. oct. 23
- Editor
- Dehghani
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE24Book_manuscript_00000069
- MyCoRe ID
- DE24Book_manuscript_00000069 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC BY-SA 4.0
- Send notes for this dataset