[DE-SBB] Sprenger 1763 - 3
- Link zum externen Bild
- Signatur
- Sprenger 1763 - 3
- Titel
- Zaṭalīyāt-i Jaʿfar Zaṭalī
- Verfasser
- Mīr Muḥammad Jaʿfar Zaṭalī
- Eigner
- Katalog
- VOHD 25, 64
- Link zur Sammelhandschrift
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- Zaṭalīyāt-i Jaʿfar Zaṭalī
- زٹلیات جعفر زٹلی
- Inhalt
- Zaṭalīyāt-e-Jaʿfar or Dīwān-e-Jaʿfar was composed by Mīr Jaʿfar, ‘the Jester’, during
and after the reign of Aurangzeb ʿĀlamgīr (1658-1707 A. D.). Mīr Jaʿfar was born shortly
before the accession of ʿAlamgīr. He lost his father at an early age and was brought
up by his uncle Mīr Sarwar. On leaving school, Jaʿfar obtained Service under Kām Baḵẖsh,
the youngest son of ʿĀlamgīr, but it was Begum Zeb-un-Nisā, the daughter of Aurangzeb,
who gave Mīr Jaʿfar the soubri-quet of Zaṭalī, the Jester.
Dīwān-e-Jaʿfar contains both prose and verse compositions, written partly in Persian and partly in a style of Hindustānī peculiar to Zaṭalī, sometimes hardly intelligible. He wrote letters, satires, eulogies, witticisms and humorous pieces, etc. In the present work are to be found letters (foll, 48-62), satires on Mirzā Zūlfiqār Beg, Kotwāl of Delhi (f. 67b), and on the latter’s daughter (f. 63), and an eulogy on Aurangzeb (f. 84).
- Zaṭalīyāt-e-Jaʿfar or Dīwān-e-Jaʿfar was composed by Mīr Jaʿfar, ‘the Jester’, during
and after the reign of Aurangzeb ʿĀlamgīr (1658-1707 A. D.). Mīr Jaʿfar was born shortly
before the accession of ʿAlamgīr. He lost his father at an early age and was brought
up by his uncle Mīr Sarwar. On leaving school, Jaʿfar obtained Service under Kām Baḵẖsh,
the youngest son of ʿĀlamgīr, but it was Begum Zeb-un-Nisā, the daughter of Aurangzeb,
who gave Mīr Jaʿfar the soubri-quet of Zaṭalī, the Jester.
- Sprache
- Schrift
- Verfasser:in
- ↳ Ansetzungsform
- Mīr Muḥammad Jaʿfar Zaṭalī
- میر محمد جعفر زٹلی
- Editionen/Literatur
- For life and works of Zaṭalī, see Garcin de Tassy (Litt. Hind.), vol. III, pp. 337-338;
Beale, p. 189; Qādrī (Dāstān), pp. 27-28.
For other Mss. of Zaṭalīyāt, see Blumhardt Hindust. Mss. B. M., p. 25, no. 52; Blumhardt Hindust. Mss. I. O. L., pp. 70-71, nos 133-136; Ṣiddīqī and Riẓvī, nos 344, 408, 409; Katrak, p. 50, no. 204.
Edition: Kullīyāt-e-Zaṭalī, litho. Bombay, 1853, 1867; Delhi, 1873.
- For life and works of Zaṭalī, see Garcin de Tassy (Litt. Hind.), vol. III, pp. 337-338;
Beale, p. 189; Qādrī (Dāstān), pp. 27-28.
- Typ
- Formtyp
- Anzahl der Bände
- 1
- Sammelband
- p. 3 / 4
- Einband
- Red leather binding with floral design
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Farbe
- ↳ Zustand
- thin, slightly worm-eaten
- Blattzahl
- 136
p. 3: f. 48r-117v
- 136
- Blattformat
- 15,5 x 19,5 cm
- Textspiegel
- 10 x 15 cm
- Zeilenzahl
- 13
- Kustoden
- ↳ Duktus
- ↳ Tinte
- ↳ Ausführung
- rubrics in red; two blank foll at each end; foll, 47b, 118 and 119, unwritten
- Provenienz
- 1857
- Verkäufer:in: Sprenger, Aloys
- Eigner
- Signatur
- Sprenger 1763 - 3
- ↳ alternativ
- PPN : 668550627
- Reproduktion
- Art :
- Scan
Bemerkung :- Digitalisat DoD
Art :- Mikrofilm
Bemerkung :- Hs or sim 06607
Art :- Mikrofiche black/white
Bemerkung :- Fiches 3
- Bearbeiter
- Datenübernahme SBB/Ahmed
- Bearbeitungsstatus
- Ersteingabe komplett
- Statische URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00051366
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00051366 (XML-Ansicht)
- Export
- Lizenz Metadata
- CC0 1.0
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