[DE-SBB] Sprenger 1763 - 1
- Link zum externen Bild
- Signatur
- Sprenger 1763 - 1
- Titel
- Risāla-i Qawāʿid an-nisāʾ
- Verfasser
- [Kuls̤ūm Nanneh (?)]
- Eigner
- Katalog
- VOHD 25, 64
- Link zur Sammelhandschrift
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- Risāla-i Qawāʿid an-nisāʾ
- رسالہ قواعد النساء
- ↳ Varianten
- Kitāb-i Qānūn an-nisāʾ
- Kitāb-i Qānūn al-nisāʾ
- کتاب قانون النساء
- Inhalt
- This work deals with the etiquettes and manners of the women of India, their habits
and superstitions in day to day life, as prescribed by their five great women saints:
1) Kuls̤ūm Nanneh
2) Shāh Bānū Daddeh
3) Bazam Ārā
4) Sister Yāsman and
5) Aunt Kulbarī
It is divided into fîfteen chapters. The contents of this Ms. are as follows: explanations of the religious ablutions; times at which prayers are not to be recited; fasting and marriage customs; what is to be done at weddings, births, at the taking of a bath, etc; conjugal behaviour; food preparation; advice about amulets for averting the evil eye; customs at the arrival and departure of a guest, along with a few other matters.
- This work deals with the etiquettes and manners of the women of India, their habits
and superstitions in day to day life, as prescribed by their five great women saints:
- Sprache
- Schrift
- Verfasser:in
- ↳ Ansetzungsform
- [Kuls̤ūm Nanneh (?)]
- Editionen/Literatur
- For other Mss., see Rehatsek, pp. 229-230, no. 42.
Edition: Ed. by Dr. Ḵẖ. A. Fārūqī in Urdū-è-Muʿalla (QadīmUrdū Number), pp. 1-43, Research Journal of the Dept. of Urdū, Univ. of Delhi, no date.
- For other Mss., see Rehatsek, pp. 229-230, no. 42.
- Typ
- Formtyp
- Anzahl der Bände
- 1
- Sammelband
- p. 1 / 4
- Einband
- red leather binding with floral design
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Farbe
- ↳ Zustand
- thin, slightly worm-eaten
- Blattzahl
- 136
p. 1: f. 1v-31v
- 136
- Blattformat
- 15,5 x 19,5 cm
- Textspiegel
- 10 x 15 cm
- Zeilenzahl
- 13
- Kustoden
- ↳ Duktus
- ↳ Tinte
- ↳ Ausführung
- rubrics in red; two blank foll at each end; foll, 47b, 118 and 119, unwritten
- Provenienz
- 1857
- Verkäufer:in: Sprenger, Aloys
- Eigner
- Signatur
- Sprenger 1763 - 1
- ↳ alternativ
- PPN : 668550627
- Reproduktion
- Art :
- Scan
Bemerkung :- Digitalisat DoD
Art :- Mikrofilm
Bemerkung :- Hs or sim 06607
Art :- Mikrofiche black/white
Bemerkung :- Fiches 3
- Bearbeiter
- Datenübernahme SBB/Ahmed
- Bearbeitungsstatus
- Ersteingabe komplett
- Statische URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00051364
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00051364 (XML-Ansicht)
- Export
- Lizenz Metadata
- CC0 1.0
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