[DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048
- Signatur
- Hs. or. 6048
- Eigner
- Katalog
- VOHD XVIIB13 Nr. 153 (Rosemarie Quiring-Zoche)
- Link zur Teilhandschrift
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 1b-30a: Šarḥ al-Fiqh al-akbar
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 1b-31b: K. Fī bayān al-maḏāhib
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 34b-48a: Sirāǧ al-qulūb
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 48b-57a: Tartīb al-ādāb istiqlālan li-ṭ-ṭullāb
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 71b-82b: Taṭhīr aṭ-ṭawīya bi-taḥsīn an-nīya
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 82b-83b: Ṭabaqāt al-fuqahāʾ
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 83b-90b: at-Taṣrīḥ fī šarḥ at-tasrīḥ
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 90b-102a: al-Maqāla al-ʿaḏaba
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 6048 - f. 102-110b: al-Mašrab al-wardī fī maḏhab al-Mahdī
- Region
- Inhalt
- Includes two texts in Arabic (1b-48a); astronomical tables (50a-51b;) a botanical
dictionary in French-Arabic-Turkish (52a-59b); Ǧevāhirnāme (59b-70a) of Pīr Meḥmed
Maʿdenī; a text in Arabic (71b-110b).
p.1: f. 1v-30r
p.2: f. 31v-48r
p.3: f. 50r-52r
p.4: f. 59v-70r
p.5: f. 71v-110v
- Includes two texts in Arabic (1b-48a); astronomical tables (50a-51b;) a botanical
dictionary in French-Arabic-Turkish (52a-59b); Ǧevāhirnāme (59b-70a) of Pīr Meḥmed
Maʿdenī; a text in Arabic (71b-110b).
- Sprache
- Schrift
- Typ
- Formtyp
- Anzahl der Bände
- 1
- Blattzahl
- 111
Geschichte des Objekts
- Erwerbung
- Verkäufer: Ayla König
Zugang & Nutzungsmöglichkeiten
- Eigner
- Projekt
- Signatur
- Hs. or. 6048
- Reproduktion
- Art :
- Mikrofilm
Bemerkung :- Hs or sim 08584
Art :- Saved film
Bemerkung :- Hs or sim 08584
- Bearbeiter
- Rosemarie Quiring-Zoche / Wiesmüller
- Statische URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00032337
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00032337 (XML-Ansicht)
- Export
- Lizenz Metadata
- CC0 1.0
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