[DE-SBB] Sprenger 1668
- Signatur
- Sprenger 1668
- Titel
- G̲h̲arāʾibul Lug̲h̲āt
- Verfasser
- Eigner
- Katalog
- VOHD 25, 17
- Titel
- ↳ wie in Referenz (Umschrift)
- G̲h̲arāʾibul Lug̲h̲āt
- غرائب اللغات
- Thematik
- Region
- Inhalt
- A glossary of Hindustānī words, in alphabetical order, mostly of Hindī origin, with
explanations in Persian, was compiled by Sirāj-ud-Dīn ʿAlī Ḵẖān Ārzū – а noted Persian
scholar and Urdū poet. He was born at Agra in 1101 A. H./1689-90 A. D. and was related
by descent to the saints Naṣīr-ud-Dīn Carāg̲h̲-e-Delhi and Muḥammad G̲h̲aus̤ of Gwalior.
Ārzū settled in Delhi in 1132 A. H. where he found a patron in Mu’taman-ud-Daulah.
After the fall of Delhi (1739 A. D.), Ārzū left for Lucknow where he received a pension
from Nawāb Shujaʿ-ud-Daulah in 1168 A. H., but died the following year on 23rd Rabīʿ
II 1169 A. H./26th Jan., 1756 A. D. at Lucknow.
Ārzū states in the preface of the present work that this glossary is simply а corrected and improved edition of a work bearing the same title, originally written by “one of the elegant writers of India یکی از فضلای هندوستان “. H. Ethé has supplied this missing name in his Cat. of Persian Mss. in the India Office Library, vol. I, no. 1150 and from it we know that it was ʿAbdul Wāseʿ of Hānsī, who originally compiled this glossary. The correct title, however, of Ārzū’s work is Nawādir-ul- Alfāz̤ and not G̲h̲arāʾibul Lug̲h̲āt as it is commonly called. (See C. A. Storey, Persian Literature, vol. I, part 2, p. 837, and S. Muḥīuddīn Qādrī Zore, Taẕkirah-e-Maḵẖt̤ūt̤āt, vol. III, pp. 51, 54-55.) The glossary gives Persian synonyms for Hindī words, as:
اپله اٹیرن اجواین اجمود اچهو انی اچهو اچار اخروٹ اڈ ا آدهاسیسی
Some medical prescriptions are to be found on f. 140b.
- A glossary of Hindustānī words, in alphabetical order, mostly of Hindī origin, with
explanations in Persian, was compiled by Sirāj-ud-Dīn ʿAlī Ḵẖān Ārzū – а noted Persian
scholar and Urdū poet. He was born at Agra in 1101 A. H./1689-90 A. D. and was related
by descent to the saints Naṣīr-ud-Dīn Carāg̲h̲-e-Delhi and Muḥammad G̲h̲aus̤ of Gwalior.
Ārzū settled in Delhi in 1132 A. H. where he found a patron in Mu’taman-ud-Daulah.
After the fall of Delhi (1739 A. D.), Ārzū left for Lucknow where he received a pension
from Nawāb Shujaʿ-ud-Daulah in 1168 A. H., but died the following year on 23rd Rabīʿ
II 1169 A. H./26th Jan., 1756 A. D. at Lucknow.
- Sprache
- Schrift
- Verfasser:in
- ↳ Name
- Ārzū, Sirāǧ-ad-Dīn ʿAlī Ḫān
- ↳ Lebensdaten
- * 1689
† 1756 in Lucknow - Editionen/Literatur
- For life and works of Sirāj-ud-Dīn (ʿAlī Ḵẖān Ārzū, see Sprenger, pp. 132-134; Garcin
de Tassy (Litt. Hind.), vol. I, pp. 226-228; Beale, p. 386; Āzād, pp. 121-123; Bailey,
p. 39; Saksena, pp. 47-48; ʿAskarī, pp. 86-87; Ṣādiq, pp. 70-71; Urdū Encycl., vol,
I, pp. 61-67.
For other Mss. of G̲h̲arāʾibul Lug̲h̲āt (also its Persian Version of ʿAbdul Wāseʿ), see Rieu, vol. III, col. 1096a; Ethé (I. O. L.), vol. I, no. 1150; Bānkīpūr, vol. IX, no. 837; Blumhardt Hindust. Mss. B. M., p. 16, no. 34; Eton, no. 107; Ivanow (Curzon), nos 547-548; Storey, vol, I, part 2, p. 837; Zore (Taẕkirah-e-Maḵẖt̤ūt̤āt), vol. III, pp. 51, 54-55.
Nawādir-ul-Alfāz̤ (including G̲h̲arāʾibul-Lug̲h̲āt), ed. by Dr. S. ʿAbdullah, Anjuman-e-Taraqqī-e-Urdū, Karāchī, 1951.
- For life and works of Sirāj-ud-Dīn (ʿAlī Ḵẖān Ārzū, see Sprenger, pp. 132-134; Garcin
de Tassy (Litt. Hind.), vol. I, pp. 226-228; Beale, p. 386; Āzād, pp. 121-123; Bailey,
p. 39; Saksena, pp. 47-48; ʿAskarī, pp. 86-87; Ṣādiq, pp. 70-71; Urdū Encycl., vol,
I, pp. 61-67.
- Typ
- Anzahl der Bände
- 1
- Einband
- Marble-paper binding
- slightly damaged
- Beschreibstoff
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Farbe
- Blattzahl
- 141
- Blattformat
- 14,5 x 22,0 cm
- Textspiegel
- 9,0 x 18,0 cm
- Zeilenzahl
- 17
- Kustoden
- Schrift
- ↳ Duktus
- ↳ Tinte
Geschichte des Objekts
- Erwerbung
- 1857
- Verkäufer:in: Sprenger, Aloys
Zugang & Nutzungsmöglichkeiten
- Eigner
- Signatur
- Sprenger 1668
- Reproduktion
- Art :
- Mikrofiche black/white
Bemerkung :- Fiches 3
- Bearbeiter
- Datenübernahme SBB/Ahmed
- Bearbeitungsstatus
- Ersteingabe komplett
- Statische URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00013979
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00013979 (XML-Ansicht)
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- Lizenz Metadata
- CC0 1.0
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