[DE-SBB] Ms. or. quart. 779
- Signatur
- Ms. or. quart. 779
- Titel
- Cahār Darwesh = Bāg̲h̲-o-Bahār
- Verfasser
- Eigner
- Katalog
- VOHD 25, 24
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- Cahār Darwesh = Bāg̲h̲-o-Bahār
- چہار درويش
- Thematik
- Region
- Inhalt
- Another сору of Cahār Darwesh. (For the life of the author, see Ms. no. 23.)
Preface: foll, 1-4; Introduction of the story: foll, 4-9b; story of the first Darwesh: foll, 9b-32b; story of the second Darwesh: foll, 32b-98b; story of the third Darwesh; foll, 98b-110; story of the fourth Darwesh, foll, 110-124.
- Another сору of Cahār Darwesh. (For the life of the author, see Ms. no. 23.)
- Sprache
- Schrift
- Verfasser:in
- ↳ Name
- Typ
- Anzahl der Bände
- 1
- Einband
- marble paper binding
- badly damaged and the back is loose
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Farbe
- Blattzahl
- 124
- Blattformat
- 17,0 x 27,5 cm
- Textspiegel
- 10,0 x 21,0 cm
- Zeilenzahl
- 17
- Kustoden
- ↳ Duktus
- ↳ Tinte
- ↳ Ausführung
- rubrics in red
- Datum
- ↳ Abschrift
- Ḏū l-Qaʿda 1231/1816
- Schreiber:in
- ↳ sonstige Namensform
- ʿAbdullāh Ḵẖān
- Akzessionsnummer
- 1888.67
- Provenienz
- Provenienzeintrag
- Sonstiges: occasional English translation of the text and the name of the owner of the Ms. W. A. Halsted can be observed
- Eigner
- Signatur
- Ms. or. quart. 779
- ↳ alternativ
- Akzessionsnummer : 1888.67
- Reproduktion
- Art :
- Mikrofiche black/white
Bemerkung :- Fiches 3
- Bearbeiter
- Datenübernahme SBB/Ahmed
- Bearbeitungsstatus
- Ersteingabe komplett
- Statische URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00005120
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00005120 (XML-Ansicht)
- Export
- Lizenz Metadata
- CC0 1.0
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