[DE-UBL] Vollers 851 - 2
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- Classmark
- Vollers 851 - 2
- Title
- Author
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Vollers, pp. 280, II
- Link to collective manuscript
- ↳ in Ms.
- f. 34a:
Kitāb al-Taqrīb wa-al-taysīr fī ʿulūm al-ḥadīth
- f. 34a:
- ق 34أ:
كتاب التقريب والتيسير فى علوم الحديث
- ق 34أ:
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- al-Taqrīb wa-al-taysīr li-maʿrifat sunan al-bashīr wa-al-nadhīr
- التقريب والتيسير لمعرفة سنن البشير والنذير
- Link to work
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- Einleitung in die Hadithwissenschaft. Das Werk stellt einen Auszug aus an-Nawawīs Iršād al-ḥadīṯ dar, das seinerseits wiederum ein Auszug aus dem Aqṣa 'l-amal wa-š-šauq fī ʿulūm hadīṯ ar-rasūl des Taqi 'd-Dīn Abū ʿAmr ʿUṯmān b. ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān Ibn aṣ-Ṣalāḥ aš-Šahrazūrī (gest. 643/1243; GAL I/358-360 S I/610-612; Kaḥḥāla VI/257; Ziriklī IV/207-208) ist.
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Author
- ↳ Name
- ↳ Person remark
- ff. 34a, 34b
محيي الدين أبو زكريا يحيى بن شرف بن مري النووي [الشافعي]
- ff. 34a, 34b
- Other copies of the works
- [DE-SBB] Sprenger 471: al-Taqrīb wa-al-taysīr li-maʿrifat sunan al-bashīr al-nadhīr (Nawawī, Yaḥyá ibn Sharaf al-)
- [DE-SBB] Sprenger 472: al-Taqrīb wa-al-taysīr li-maʿrifat sunan al-bashīr al-nadhīr (Nawawī, Yaḥyá ibn Sharaf al-)
- [DE-TUEB] Ma VI 120: al-Taqrīb wa-al-taysīr li-maʿrifat sunan al-bashīr al-nadhīr fī uṣūl (Nawawī, Yaḥyá ibn Sharaf al-)
- [DE-UBHeid] Cod. Heid. Orient. 168: al-Taqrīb wa-al-taysīr li-maʿrifat sunan al-bashīr al-nadhīr fī uṣūl (Nawawī, Yaḥyá ibn Sharaf al-)
- Further copies
- Berlin (Ahlwardt) nos. 1041-1043
Madrid, Escorial (Derenbourgh) nos. 1411/6, 1803
Princeton, Garrett Collection (Mach) no. 530
Tübingen (Seybold) no. 118
- Berlin (Ahlwardt) nos. 1041-1043
- Editions/Literature
- Beirut 1406-1407/1986, 1407-1408/1987
Riyadh 1431-1432/2010
- Beirut 1406-1407/1986, 1407-1408/1987
- Record type
- Collective manuscript
- 2/2
- Binding
- Brown Oriental leather binding with fore-edge flap and envelope flap; central ornament of the covers: a diamond shape composed of cross stamps and gold dots from which ornamental rays radiate, two square connecting motifs above and below the diamond made from the same stamps; corners filled with three cross stamps, three gold dots and an ornamental ray; frame consists of a band of filled adjoining quatrefoils; the envelope flap takes up the ornamental design of the covers; doublures made of leather
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Colour
- Number of folios
- ff. 34a-84b; ff. 65, 84b: blank
- Dimensions
- 16.9 x 12.5 cm
- Text area
- 14-14.5 x 9.5-9.8 cm
- Number of lines
- 17
- Catchwords
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- Date
- ↳ copy
- f. 84a: ?
- Scribe
- ↳ other name form(s)
- f. 84a: Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad (or ʿUmar) ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-Ḥarrānī al-Shāfiʿī
- Collection
- Project
- Classmark
- Vollers 851 - 2
- ↳ alternate
- old classmark : D.C. 189 - 02
- URN : urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-0004-9497
- Editor
- Wiesmueller, Liebrenz
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://qalamos.net/receive/DE15Book_manuscript_00015593
- MyCoRe ID
- DE15Book_manuscript_00015593 (XML view)
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- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
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